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APBA's seminars involve a small group meeting in which APBA seminar directors discuss information on a chosen topic with a target audience. Seminars provide an opportunity to explore topics by discussion, and to identify and sort out any problems. Seminars need not necessarily be face-to-face contact, they can also occur in online environments



APBA's conferences involve a meeting of several people to discuss a particular topic. It may also involve a gathering of delegates representing several groups. APBA conference directors ensure that there are specialist keynote speakers who will deliver the keynote speech. The speakers chosen are eminent personalities in the related field and their presence is meant to attract more people to attend the conference. 


APBA aim o combine the use of different campaigning techniques to achieving our campaigning objectives. Working with and through diverse groups of bodies and professionals, as well as a variety of challenges, calls for a broader approach.

  • Writing as a group

  • Letter writing campaigns

  • Postcards

  • Alumni/Celebrity support

  • Writing to the press

  • Petitions

  • Social media campaign

  • Leaflets/Flyers

  • Panel Debate/Guest Speaker

  • Holding student meetings

  • Holding a demonstration or a lobby

  • Direct action

  • Using the media

  • Writing press release

  • Radio


APBA Campaign

APBA carry a simple message of war against corruption. We campaign for a better world without corruption. We prescribe for anti-corruption conduct and on standards that will uphold sound human values such as honesty, integrity, respect, fairness, and accountable. We recognise that corruption practices are not territorial. It is everywhere. Our campaign activities can take place anywhere in the world. We continue to build stanger capacities by developing out network of supported, partners, members and specialist consultants across the world



APBA works in collaboration with a range of specialists who are experts in their own right. They are in tune with current issues in their fields and are able to input competently into our core activities of training, campaigning, raising awareness, challenging offences, and supporting victims of corruption. APBA's consultants help with the propagating of our anti-corru[ption message using their own business network. 


APBA is appointing a number of non-executive directors to help shape its future

They will make available to our operations huge experience of corporate management. Together with our current executive team, they will steer APBA's campaign towards a brighter future. Our non-executive directors provide advice and directions for maximising the use of our existing campaign strategies as well as creating new ones


APBA is appointing a number people into Governor positions. Governors bring into the leadership of APBA a wide range of expertise. The council would be made up of active members, representatives of APBA's staff and those partner organisations. Governors often have their own network of contacts and influence which would support our campaign activities further.

Campaign Activities
Specialist Consultants
Council of Governors
Non-Executive Directors
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